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Samuel Mary

ESG Research Analyst
Mr. Mary is a senior vice president and ESG research analyst in the London office, focused on the integration of ESG (environmental, social, and governance) factors into PIMCO's portfolio management and credit research. He also leads PIMCO’s research on climate change. Prior to joining PIMCO in 2018, he worked as a senior ESG and sustainability research analyst at Kepler Cheuvreux, where he was responsible for the group’s thematic and impact investing research product, ESG corporate access and in-house ESG integration framework, based on methodologies that integrate ESG issues within fundamental equity analysis for specific sectors. He has 12 years of investment experience and holds a master’s degree in management with a specialization in finance from ESCP Europe. He was Extel's top-ranked individual for SRI Research in 2017, based on surveys of UK asset managers.
Economic and Market Commentary

The fast-growing market for sustainability-linked bonds offers opportunities, and we believe issuers would benefit by incorporating even more ambitious performance metrics and goals.

Find out what PIMCO’s environmental, social and governance (ESG) experts are talking to issuers about when it comes to investing now and for the future.

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