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Understanding Portable Alpha Strategies

Passive strategies strive to match the performance of a market index. Portable alpha strategies go further, combining key benefits of active and passive management in an effort to enhance returns while also seeking to manage risk – important goals in today’s volatile markets.

What is portable alpha?

Portable alpha is an investment approach that provides target market exposure, while adding the potential for additional return, or alpha, through a separate investment strategy. Because the source of alpha is independent of the desired market exposure, it can theoretically be transported to any market exposure, hence the term “portable alpha.”

How does the strategy work?

In portable alpha strategies, market exposure is gained through market-linked instruments such as futures or swaps. These positions require only a small outlay of cash (if any), allowing the manager to both capture the market return and actively manage the bulk of the portfolio’s cash in a liquid strategy – an absolute return bond alpha strategy, for example – that may provide additional return. This arrangement is similar to buying a car or a house without paying the entire price up front. As with an auto loan or mortgage, there is a financing cost associated with buying market exposure using futures or swaps. This cost is usually tied to a short-term money market rate. The alpha strategy may outperform this money market rate in order to deliver excess return.

Why use a portable alpha strategy?

Investors may look to portable alpha strategies for the following reasons:

  • Opportunity for enhanced returns– Portable alpha provides both exposure to a target market, such as stocks or commodities, as well as the potential to outperform that market. The opportunity for additional return can be especially helpful in an environment in which traditional asset returns are expected to be muted.
  • Maintain an existing asset allocation– Investors can enhance their portfolios’ return potential without making dramatic alterations to a traditional asset allocation model. 
  • Diversification benefits– Because the cash is invested differently than the target market exposure, investors may gain a diversification advantage, helping to manage portfolio risk. It is important to note that diversification cannot ensure a profit or protect against loss in a declining market. It is a strategy used to help mitigate risk.

What are the types of portable alpha strategies?

The portable alpha structure may be used in many combinations that may be appropriate for specific investment objectives (see examples in the illustration below). Investors can obtain their desired market exposure, or beta, to a range of large-cap, small-cap, international and emerging market, and custom equity indexes. They can also gain exposure to commodities and real estate via instruments linked to those asset classes.

The alpha-generating component, which should have low correlation with the beta component and reasonable liquidity, can vary as well. Because the assets invested in these strategies may be needed in order to meet any margin calls, the securities should be relatively liquid, with a focus on capital preservation. At PIMCO, we typically back our portable alpha portfolios with actively managed, high-quality liquid enhanced cash, absolute return bond, Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS) or long-duration bond strategies.

Figure 1:

For illustrative purposes only
1 Equity index as specified by the investment guidelines
2 Financing costs are comprised of Fed Funds rate and a positive or negative spread to Fed Funds rate.
3 The return on the alpha strategy may be less than the short term money market financing rate, which would result in negative excess returns.
There is no guarantee that any targets, projections or forecasts as stated herein may be achieved. All investments involve risk including the possible loss of capital.

Manager skill and risk management are key

While portable alpha is a relatively straightforward concept, there are many factors to consider when implementing these strategies. Investment managers are required to have the experience and infrastructure to effectively maintain liquidity and meet cash flows associated with market-linked instruments, with knowledge of the regulatory and legal factors involved. A rigorous process for managing risk is critically important as well, including thorough counterparty assessment. Given these factors, we believe investors should look to a skilled, experienced manager when considering this type of strategy.

Tax considerations

Because portable alpha strategies use market-linked instruments to gain market exposure, there are some tax considerations to be aware of. For example, all gains or losses on futures may need to be calculated as realized for tax purposes; these gains or losses may affect either ordinary income or capital gains, depending on the contract. With swaps, the tax treatment varies depending on the terms of the contract. Investors may benefit by consulting with an investment professional before investing.

Figure 2:

What are the risks?

It is important to understand some of the risks associated with portable alpha strategies. Investors in these strategies may experience greater losses or lesser gains than would be the case if they invested directly in a market portfolio – the S&P 500 Index, for example – if the alpha strategy underperforms the money market-based cost. Additionally, portable alpha strategies may not be perfectly correlated to their underlying benchmarks and/or market exposures over time, and the degree of variation could be substantial. Finally, it’s possible for these strategies to experience a negative return.

Glossary of Key Investment Terms

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