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Sachin Gupta

Portfolio Manager
Mr. Gupta is a managing director and global portfolio manager in the Newport Beach office, where he leads the global desk. He is an advisory member of the Asia-Pacific Portfolio Committee and has previously served on the Investment Committee, the European Portfolio Committee, and the Emerging Markets Portfolio Committee. Previously at PIMCO, he was in the London office managing European liability-driven investment (LDI) portfolios, and in the Singapore office on the global portfolio management team. In these roles, he has focused on investments in government bonds and foreign exchange as well as associated derivatives across global markets. Prior to joining PIMCO in 2003, he was in the fixed income and currency derivatives group at ABN AMRO Bank. He has 27 years of investment experience and holds an MBA from XLRI, India. He received an undergraduate degree from Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi. Since 2018, he has served on the board of The Global FoodBanking Network (GFN), an international nonprofit working toward a hunger-free future in more than 30 countries. He is currently chair of the board of directors of GFN.
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