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Corporate Bond Ladder Managed Account

Investment Process

PIMCO’s rigorous top-down and bottom-up approach to credit research is designed to add value by identifying industry and company fundamental trends that may not be reflected by rating agencies and recognized by the broader market.

Our team of credit research analysts develops ratings independently of the major rating agencies. Our analysts also cover the entire rating spectrum of issuers (investment grade and high yield) within an industry. This helps us identify both upgrade and downgrade candidates, which may not be priced into markets.

Because PIMCO maintains relationships with more than 30 dealers, we may be able to improve market access and pricing on trades based on our institutional presence, which may lead to better execution for investors.

Importantly, although the portfolios are primarily buy-and-hold-to-maturity strategies, we can sell and replace a bond if our view on the forward-looking credit profile of the issuer is no longer positive. Combined with our unique approach to ongoing credit surveillance, this helps us play both defense, by seeking to avoid defaults and severe downgrades, and offense, by seeking to add risk-adjusted yield.

Portfolio Construction

PIMCO Corporate Bond Ladder portfolios are constructed using investment grade corporate bonds with laddered maturities of 1–5, 1–11, 3–8 and 3–11 years.

The managed account strategies described in this material are offered by Pacific Investment Management Company LLC and are available exclusively through financial professionals. Managed accounts have a minimum asset level and may not be suitable for all investors. Financial professionals seeking more information should contact their managed accounts department or call their PIMCO representative.

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