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U.S. Government Bond Ladder Managed Account

Strategy Overview

The portfolio is constructed solely of U.S. Treasury Fixed Income Securities, which are supported by the full faith and credit of U.S. Government, whose maturities are staggered across maturity ranges.

Designed to seek to maximize income within the strategy objectives, and aims to be able to efficiently accommodate liquidity needs upon request.

By evenly investing in fixed income securities across the yield curve, portfolios seek to spread interest-rate risk evenly across the investment horizon. We maintain a disciplined approach of continually reinvesting proceeds of maturing bonds at the longest end of the ladder, enabling us to consistently invest in bonds with what we believe to be attractive at-market yields.

Portfolio Construction

PIMCO U.S. Government Bond Ladders are constructed using U.S. Treasury Fixed Income Securities with laddered maturities of 0-18 months, 0-3, 0-5, and 0-10 years.

U.S. Government Bond Ladder is a portfolio of bonds that mature at regular intervals, typically in annual increments. As a bond matures, the principal is reinvested in the longest maturity at the end of the ladder. This approach seeks to generate a predictable income stream and may also provide an advantage in a rising interest rate environment, since annually maturing proceeds are reinvested at potentially higher rates.

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