Erin Browne
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Learn how a diversified mix of stocks, bonds, and other assets can enhance portfolios’ risk-adjusted return potential given today’s dynamic economic environment.
Portfolio Managers Erin Browne and Emmanuel Sharef discuss their strategy for multi-asset portfolios amid the resurgence of the inverse relationship between equities and fixed income, and highlight their key investment opportunities in today’s market environment.
Negative Correlations, Positive Allocations
The inverse correlation between bonds and stocks has returned, broadening potential for risk-adjusted returns in multi-asset portfolios.
PIMCO’s Capital Market Assumptions
A positive outlook for bond returns
Take a deep dive into how we’re positioning across global asset classes, the allocations we’re overweighting and underweighting, and why we’re focusing on quality.
Capitalizing on Diverging Global Economies
Learn how we are navigating differences in monetary policies and economic outlooks in order to optimize portfolio performance.
When Markets Diverge, Opportunities Emerge
In this Asset Allocation Outlook, we discuss how shifting dynamics among global economies and markets present a range of opportunities for multi-asset portfolios.
Forecast Favors Fixed Income
Learn why we believe it is prime time for bonds, how we’re emphasizing diversification and caution and prioritizing quality, and where the opportunities are in today’s markets and beyond.
Prime Time for Bonds
In our 2024 Asset Allocation Outlook, bonds emerge as a standout asset class, offering strong prospects, resilience, diversification, and attractive valuations compared with equities.