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Stephen Chang

Portfolio Manager, Asia
Mr. Chang is a managing director and portfolio manager in the Hong Kong office, managing Asia portfolios and developing PIMCO’s business in this space. He is also a member of the PIMCO Inclusion and Diversity Advisory Council. Prior to joining PIMCO in 2018, he was a managing director and head of Asian fixed income for JPMorgan Asset Management, responsible for managing bond portfolios in the region and setting macro and asset allocation strategy as part of the broader emerging market debt team. Previously, Mr. Chang was a senior interest rates and derivatives trader with the Royal Bank of Scotland in Hong Kong and a global fixed income portfolio manager at Fischer Francis Trees & Watts, Inc. in New York. He has 28 years of investment experience and holds a master’s degree in management science from Stanford University and an undergraduate degree in computer science from Cornell University.

Bien avant que les forums économiques ne deviennent courants à Wall Street, nos professionnels de l'investissement se réunissaient déjà pour identifier les tendances économiques et de marché pour nos clients. Des décennies plus tard, cette pierre angulaire de notre processus d'investissement est plus solide et essentielle que jamais.

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