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Adam Bowe

Portfolio Manager, Australia
Mr. Bowe is an executive vice president and portfolio manager in the Sydney office. He is a permanent member of the Asia-Pacific portfolio committee and currently serves as chair. Prior to joining PIMCO in 2011, he was responsible for global macro research and trading at Tudor Investment Corporation. He was also previously a director and portfolio manager at UBS Global Asset Management and at Queensland Investment Corporation. He has 23 years of investment experience and holds a master's degree in quantitative finance from University of Technology, Sydney. He also earned a Bachelor of Commerce, First Class Honours and a Bachelor of Economics from the University of Queensland.
경제 및 시장 논평

PIMCO의 아시아 투자팀은 국내 정책과 외부 요인이 APAC 지역의 성장 경로과 투자 기회를 어떻게 형성하는지 분석합니다.

경제 및 시장 논평

미국 연준의 잠재적인 금리 인하는 아시아 크레딧 시장 전체를 안정시키겠지만, 지역 경제에 엇갈린 영향을 미칠 것입니다.

아래 중 귀하에게 맞는 사이트를 선택해 주십시오.

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