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Tracy Wills-Zapata

Alternatives Sales, U.S. Global Wealth Management
Ms. Wills-Zapata is an executive vice president based in the New York office and head of alternatives sales within the U.S. global wealth management business. She leads a team focused on development and adoption of alternatives offerings across private wealth distribution partners. Prior to joining PIMCO in 2021, Ms. Wills-Zapata was a managing director at Wells Fargo, where she led a team of product specialists for all complex investment solutions, including private capital, hedge funds, and options overlay strategies. Previously, she was the managing director of business development for Campbell & Company, a managing director at both Deutsche Bank & DB Advisors LLC, and an executive vice president at Dominion Capital Management. She served on the board of directors of the Managed Funds Association from 2006–2010. She has 28 years of investment experience and studied fine arts at New York University’s Tisch School.
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