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Christian Stracke

Presidente, responsable global de análisis de crédito
Mr. Stracke is a managing director, PIMCO’s president, and the global head of the credit research group. He is based in the London office. As president, he oversees international operations outside of the Americas, including strategy, expanding distribution, and scaling the private strategies platform. As global head of credit research, he oversees the group covering all levels of the debt capital structure for targeted industries, including investment grade and high yield bonds, bank debt, and convertibles. Mr. Stracke is a senior portfolio manager and member of various committees across PIMCO’s alternative credit and private strategies platform. In addition to his portfolio management responsibilities, he sits on the firm’s Executive Committee. Prior to joining PIMCO in 2008, he was a senior credit strategist at CreditSights, head of Latin America fixed income strategy at Commerzbank Securities, and head of Latin America local markets strategy at Deutsche Bank. He also volunteered with the Peace Corps as an agroforestry extension agent in Mauritania, West Africa. He has 27 years of investment experience and holds an undergraduate degree from the University of Chicago.

Antes de que los foros económicos fueran la corriente principal en Wall Street, nuestros profesionales de inversión se reunían para identificar las tendencias económicas y de mercado para nuestros clientes. Décadas después, la piedra angular de nuestro proceso es más fuerte y más importante que nunca.

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